Searchable reference work with profiles of over 1000 artists, including articles, guides to exhibitions and links to the database Paintings In Museums. No longer being updated as of 2023.
● Online First: new, edited articles from A to Z are published online immediately
● Continual updates: details, exhibitions, sources are continually supplemented and updated
● Links to the database Paintings in Museums – Germany, Austria, Switzerland (for purchasers of this database): learn more about where the works are located with a single click
● Multiple search criteria – for professional and scholarly searches
● Explanations of the used abbreviations in German and English
(De Gruyter)
Provides centralized access for searching and retrieval of archival finding aids that have been encoded using XML and the standard for Encoded Archival Description (EAD) from archives in the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere around the world.
Sponsored by the Guggenheim and Whitney Libraries and funded by the generous support provided by the Metropolitan New York Library Council, this project provides online digital access to over 81,000 pages of approximately 600 rare and unique publications from the libraries of Hilla Rebay and Juliana Force,the inaugural directors of the Guggenheim and Whitney, respectively.
The Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance is an interdisciplinary research database containing documentation centering on the reception of antiquity, a focus of Renaissance studies. Registered are the antique monuments known in the Renaissance together with the related Renaissance documents in the form of texts and images, and related information about locations, persons and periods as well as bibliographic data. The Census is a useful tool of research, not only in the field of art history and archaeology, but also for any discipline focusing on the afterlife of the antiquity.
Unique resource developed by the staff of the Gund Library, Cleveland Institute of Art. Simple and advanced search screens allow searching the names of artists, groups, photographers, craftspeople, designers, and design firms whose work appears in select publications added to the Gund Library since 1991. Basic bibliographic information with complete listing of catalogs in which an individual artist or artist group appears is provided. As of October 2012, 29,374 artists are represented in 1,644 exhibition catalogs. Clicking on the Artist, shows all catalogs in which the artist appears. Clicking on the Catalog, shows all the artists in that catalog.
Hosted by the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture collects and creates electronic resources for the study and research of the decorative arts, with a particular focus on Early America. Provides access to electronic texts and journals, image collections in art history, architectural history, medical history, databases, and links to information organizations, museums, and research facilities.
The Medici Archive Project is a non-profit organization founded in 1995 in order to bring the unique resources of the Medici Granducal Archive into the mainstream of current scholarship and teaching. A database titled Documentary Sources for the Arts and Humanities in Medici Granducal Archive, 1537-1743, is scheduled for completion in 2030. It will include descriptive entries for all 6,429 volumes in the Granducal Archive, individual entries for all documents relevant to the arts and humanities and biographical entries for all of the relevant historical figures. As of 2009, the database covered 360 volumes, 20,000 documents, and biographical records for ca. 20,000 people. Housed in the Archivio di Stato di Firenze, the Archivo Mediceo del Principato includes approximately 3 million letters sent and received by members of the Medici family, their secretaries, courtiers, agents, and correspondents between 1537 and 1743. The letters are divided into 6,429 bound volumes.
Library research guide to Rice University archives, Fondren Library's rare books and special collections. Extensive finding aids for manuscript collections, digital archives. Information on copyright, reproductions and publishing of sources in the Woodson Research Center.
Smithsonian Institution Research Information System
Collections Search Center: Search over 2 million records, 210,500 images, video and sound files from dozens of Smithsonian museums, archives, and libraries. In addition to the "search all catalogs" option, there are links to the various museums, archives, and databases. In addition to the Archives of American Art and the Art Inventories Catalog, descriptions of ten other archives are provided.
The Archives of American Art includes papers of artists, art dealers, art historians, collectors, and others; records of art galleries, museums, and art organizations; videos; interviews from the Archives's oral history project. Many collections are available on microfilm at the Archive's Research Center in Washington, D.C. and other affiliated institutions. The Archives of American Art may be searched using an integrated search through the Archives, Manuscripts & Photographic Collections link. The "finding aids" tab offers the option of searching various archives separately. "Combined" tab offers advanced search options.
Two comprehensive databases, the Inventory of American Paintings and the Inventory of American Sculpture, provide information on over 400,000 art works in public and private collections worldwide. The Inventory of American Paintings includes works by artists active in America by 1914. The Inventory of American Sculpture includes works from the colonial era through the contemporary period.