This guide is a work in progress and does not attempt to represent all Asian musical traditions. If you have suggestions, please let me know!
Reference Works
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music by Ruth M. Stone (Editor)The premiere volume of theGarland Encyclopedia of World Musicseries offers a comprehensive view of African music as a vital part of the social and cultural life of it peoples. The 34 expert contributors have all conducted fieldwork in Africa and their firsthand experience is reflected in the immediacy of their observations. In 39 articles, this encyclopedia explores key themes in African music that have emerged in recent years - a subject usually neglected in country-by-country coverage; emphasizes the contexts of musical performance-unlike studies that offer static interpretations isolated from other performing traditions; and presents the fresh insights and analyses of musicologists and anthropologists of diverse national origins-African, Asian, European and American. Also includes nine maps and 96 music examples.
Call Number: ML100 .G16 1998 v.1-10 (accompanying CDs held at the 1st floor circulation desk.
ISBN: 0824060350
Publication Date: 1997-2002
Oxford Music OnlineThis link opens in a new windowThis music compendium, itself a part of Oxford music online, includes the New Grove dictionary of music and musicians, the New Grove dictionary of opera, and the New Grove dictionary of jazz.
The Oxford Companion to Musical Instruments by Anthony C. BainesMusical instruments, from the simplest pipes and drums to those of the utmost complexity, have formed an integral part of the cultures of all peoples of the world from the beginning of time. Their range and diversity have inspired the skill and genius of maker, composer, and player. This bookcelebrates that achievement and examines in a single A-Z sequence the astonishing variety of acoustic instruments throughout the ages. Each entry provides a concise description of the instrument itself, its construction, development, and playing techniques, together with details of its sound and use within the orchestra or, for ethnomusicological instruments, within rites of passage. Musical examples highlight these points, andthe whole text is beautifully illustrated with over two hundred photographs and figures. General articles cover instruments by period, continent, family, and other common groupings, such as orchestra and brass band, while there is wide coverage of related topics, including pitch, chord symbols, forgeries, and oddities.
Call Number: Music Ref ML102 .I5 B34 1992
ISBN: 0193113341
Publication Date: 1992
The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments by Stanley Sadie (Editor)The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments is the definitive guide to over 12,000 musical instruments from around the world. It encompasses western, non-western, and developing-world cultures, and includes classical, folk, and popular music. It also covers instruments of all ages--from the ancient water organ to the synthesizer. The Dictionary describes each instrument individually and in the context of instrument families. It charts the history, development, musical function, and inter-cultural links of each instrument as well as its construction, performance practice and technique. The New Grove Dictionary also explores the cultures and societies that have created these instruments and the various non-musical functions of certain instruments. The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments includes: · Unprecedented coverage of Western musical instruments--from early European instruments, to the development of the organ and the violin, and continuing into the twentieth century with computers and synthesizers · 6,000 articles on non-western developing-world and folk instruments · Detailed catalogs of the world's private and public instrument collections, a survey of forgery, and a study of restoration and maintenance techniques · Articles on performance practice and technique--such as tuning, ornamentation, fingering and improvisation · Biographies of instrument makers--from the Greek inventor Ctesibius to the violin makers of Italy to today's manufacturing giants
Call Number: Music Ref ML102 .I5 N48 1984 v.1-3
ISBN: 0943818052
Publication Date: 1985
Photo gallery for Journey to the East exhibit, Fondren Library Aug 22-Oct 24 2016.
Silk Road journeys: beyond the horizon. by Ma, Yo-Yo, 1955-, performer.
Call Number: CD 235-8083
The JVC video anthology of world music and dance.v. 1-2. Korea -- v. 3-4. China -- v. 5. China/Mongolia -- v. 6. Vietnam/Cambodia -- v. 7. Thailand/Burma -- v. 8. Malaysia/Philippines -- v. 9-10. Indonesia -- v. 11-13. India -- v. 14. Pakistan/Bangladesh -- v. 15. Sri Lanka/Nepal/Bhutan -- v. 16. Turkey/Iran/Iraq/Lebanon/Qatar -- v. 17. Egypt/Tunisia/Morocco/Mali/Cameroon/Zaire/Tanzania -- v. 18. Chad/Cameroon -- v. 19. Ivory Coast/Botswana/Republic of South Africa -- v. 20. Ireland/England/France/Switzerland/West Germany/Spain/Italy/Greece -- v. 21. Poland/Czechoslovakia/Hungary -- v. 22. Romania/Yugoslavia/Bulgaria/Albania -- v. 23. Russia -- v. 24. Latvia/Estonia/Lithuania/Belorussia/Ukraine/Moldavia -- v. 25. Azerbaijan/Armenia/Georgia/Dagestan -- v. 26. Kazakh/Uzbek/Turkmen/Tajik/Kirgiz/Kalmyk/Mari/Bashkir/Siberia -- v. 27. North American Indians -- v. 28. Mexico/Cuba/Bolivia/Argentina -- v. 29. Micronesia/Melanesia/Australia -- v. 30. Polynesia/New Zealand.
Call Number: M1627 .J83 2005 v.1-30 DVD
The silk road [sound recording] : a musical caravan
Call Number: CD 178-8733 CD
Publication Date: Smithsonian Folkways, [1980]
Silk road journeys [sound recording] : when strangers meet. by Ma, Yo-Yo, 1955-, instrumentalist.
Call Number: CD 172-3168
Musiques d'Asie [sound recording] : Chine, Inde, Indonésie, Japon.CD 1: Inde. Le mode ahiri-lalita (Ravi Shankar, sitar) (5:38), Sitar, sarode et tabla (Ravi Shankar, Ali Abkar & Chaturlal (13:53), Bhajan : sai bina (Lakshmi Shankar, chant) (5:37), Ninyako (D. K. Pattmal) (4:22) ; Japon. Duo de koto Godan-Kinuta (Matsuo Keiko & Ueno Kazuko, koto) (6:02), Kurokami (Hirokazu Fujii, chant & shamisen) (8:11), Tairyo utaikomi (Akama Shinsui, chant) (4:58), Yuzuki (Tokiwazu Kiyowada-Dayu, Tokiwazu Waei-Dayu, chant, KishizawaShikisa Xi, Kishizawa Shikimatsu, shamisen, Fukuhara Tsurusuke, narimono) (5:01), Shika-no-tone : duo de shakuachi (Notomi Judo & Notomi Harihiko, shakuachi) (10:26) -- CD 2: Chine. Pingsha lao yan (Ding Boling, zheng) (3:29), Yangguan san die (Dai Xiaolian, cithare qin) (4:49), Banzi feng (Wu Suhua, vièle erhu & Lin Yan, cithare yangqin) (3:37), Chaodou : cérémonie funéraire : extrait (2:31), Nanguan (8:20) ; Indonésie. Sunda Java ouest. Kacapi suling semarang & banjaran (Uking Sukri, kacapi, Ono Sukarma, suling, Lim Ibrahim, rincik) (9:02), Ujiung laut, sangkur ratu (Gamelan Degung, Ab-Syar (9:50) ; Bali. Wyang kulit the shadow play's orchestra (The Dalang Ida Bagus from the village of Buduk) (3:55), Wau rauh (Gamelan Angklung) (3:04), Legong kraton (25:12).
Call Number: CD 166-3705
Selected books
Scales and modes around the world . by Rechberger, Herman.
Call Number: MT45 .R43 2008
ISBN: 9789525489071
Publication Date: 2008
Music and Tradition: essays on Asian and other musics presented by Laurence Picken. by D. R. Widdess; R. F. WolpertLaurence Picken has long been recognised as a pioneer in the study of Oriental and other non-Western musics. Some of his pupils, colleagues and friends from four continents have here brought together this volume of essays as a tribute to him on his seventieth birthday. The book aims to reflect characteristic aspects of Dr Picken's work: his conception of musicology as a science, his sense of historical perspective and - perhaps most importantly - his delight in music of almost every kind. Appealing in particular to those engaged in the study of non-Western music, the volume will also interest everyone concerned with musical structures and their development.
Call Number: ML55 .P52 1979
ISBN: 0521224004
Publication Date: 1981
Music from the Tang Court : transcribed from the original, unpublished, Sino-Japanese manuscripts, together with a survey of relevant historical sources (both Chinese and Japanese). by Picken, Laurence Ernest Rowland.
Music As Intangible Cultural Heritage by Keith Howard (Editor)Focussing on music traditions, these essays explore the policy, ideology and practice of preservation and promotion of East Asian intangible cultural heritage. For the first time, Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan - states that were amongst the first to establish legislation and systems for indigenous traditions - are considered together. Calls to preserve the intangible heritage have recently become louder, not least with increasing UNESCO attention. The imperative to preserve is, throughout the region, cast as a way to counter the perceived loss of cultural diversity caused by globalization, modernization, urbanization and the spread of the mass media. Four chapters - one each on China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan - incorporate a foundational overview of preservation policy and practice of musical intangible cultural heritage at the state level. These chapters are complemented by a set of chapters that explore how the practice of policy has impacted on specific musics, from Confucian ritual through Kam big song to the Okinawan sanshin. Each chapter is based on rich ethnographic data collected through extended fieldwork. The team of international contributors give both insider and outsider perspectives as they both account for, and critique, policy, ideology and practice in East Asian music as intangible cultural heritage.
ISBN: 9781409439073
Publication Date: Ashgate, 2012.
Arts and Cultural Leadership in Asia by Jo Caust (Editor)Arts and cultural activity in Asia is increasingly seen as important internationally, and Asia's growing prosperity is enabling the full range of artistic activities to be better encouraged, supported and managed. At the same time, cultural frameworks and contexts vary hugely across Asia, and it is not appropriate to apply Westerns theories and models of leadership and management. This book presents a range of case studies of arts and cultural leadership across a large number of Asian countries. Besides examining different cultural frameworks and contexts, the book considers different cultural approaches to leadership, discusses external challenges and entrepreneurialism, and explores how politics can have a profound impact. Throughout the book covers different art forms, and different sorts of arts and cultural organisations.