University of Tennessee/Knoxville Song Index. Indexes over 50,000 songs in 1,500 standard vocal anthologies owned by the UT music library. Be sure to check the Fondren library catalog to verify call number information.
DeCharms, Desiree. Songs in Collections: An Index. Music Ref ML128 .S3 D37
An index of 411 collections of art songs, operatic arias, and some folk song anthologies, all with piano accompaniment. Limited to collections published between 1940 and 1957, but exhaustive of that period.
Goleeke, Thomas. Literature for Voice. Musc Ref ML128 .S3 G64 1984 2vols.
An index to songs in 60 collections and source book for teachers of singing. Meant for beginning students. Gives the key and range of each song. Author and title indexes.
Havlice, Patricia Pate. Popular Song Index. With Three supplements. Music Ref ML128 .S3 H4
Index of over 300 song books published between 1940-1972. Includes popular and folk, spirituals, hymns, children's songs, blues, etc.
Sears, Minnie Earl. Song Index. Music Ref ML128 .S3 S31 1966
The main volume and supplement together index ca. 20,000 songs in 280 collections. Includes operatic arias, art songs, folk, and popular music.
Remember that arias, although sometimes published in operatic anthologies, are most often published as a part of the score of the opera, just as songs from musical theater are published in the score to their show. Some art songs are part of larger works such as song cycles. Try a keyword search for the name of the cycle, opera or show. If you do not know the name of the larger work, check:
American song: The complete music theatre companion. Music Ref ML128 .M78 B6 1996
The new Grove dictionary of opera. Music Ref ML102 .O6 M5 1992. Both online and print versions have appendices to arias and ensembles-- in the last print volume, or search the online version by keyword for the aria title.
Guide to operatic roles and arias. Music Ref ML102 .O6 B65 1994