Journal Citation Reports Published annually and allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 7,500 scholarly and technical journals
References all publications of the American Society of Civil Engineering. Coverage includes journals, conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines and newsletters.
Indexing and abstracts from more than 4,000 current serial and non-serial titles, including content from the organizations ASCE and ICE, which covers architecture, structural design and construction engineering to environmental, seismic engineering and forensics.
Tables of contents and article summaries from approximately 6,600 scientific and technical journals, updated weekly. Five editions of Current Contents are available online: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences; Engineering, Technology & Applied Sciences; Life Sciences; Clinical Medicine; and Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences.
The lag time between journal publication and availability on the network is several weeks to a month.
Citations for doctoral dissertations from 1861 to the present. Some master's theses are also available. The full texts of dissertations and theses added since 1997 (since 1918 for Rice theses) may be downloaded.
Article summaries and bibliographic information on air, water, and soil quality, environmental safety, sustainability, earthquakes, energy production, and related disciplines beginning from 1966-present time. Part of the Engineering Index.
Includes information from over 3,000 periodicals, conference proceedings, technical reports, trade journal/newsletter items, patents, books, and press releases.
Indexes over 15,000 journals, as well as several million web pages and U.S. and international patents. Database includes article citations from 1996, and permits citation tracking, and (both) saving searches and email or RSS alerts of new material. The system will export records into major citation managers and prepare a bibliography according to major formats. (1966- )