The eloquent oboe : a history of the hautboy from 1640 to 1760. by Haynes, Bruce.
Call Number: ML940 .H39 2001
The oboe, an outline of its history, development, and construction. by Bate, Philip.
Call Number: ML940 .B37 1956a
The oboe and the bassoon. by Joppig, Gunther.
Call Number: ML940.J6613 1988
Le hautbois dans la musique française : 1650-1800 by Fleurot, François.
Call Number: ML940 .F6 1984
Woodwind repertoire and teaching
Appraisals of original wind music : a survey and guide by Clark, David Lindsey
Call Number: ML128 .W5 C6 1999
Wind talk for woodwinds : a practical guide to understanding and teaching woodwind instruments by Ely, Mark C.
Call Number: MT339.5 .E49 2009
Baroque woodwind instruments : a guide to their history, repertoire, and basic technique by Carroll, Paul, 1955-
Call Number: ML931 .C37 1999
Wind chamber music : winds with piano and woodwind quintets : an annotated guide by Secrist-Schmedes, Barbera.
Call Number: ML128 .C4 S43 1996
Bibliography and discography on music for solo wind instruments and orchestra by Haug, Hermann.
Call Number: Music Ref ML128 .W5 H38 2004 v.1-3
Music for oboe, 1650-1800 : a bibliography. by Haynes, Bruce.
Call Number: ML128.O2 H55 1985
Music for oboe, oboe d'amore, and English horn : a bibliography of materials at the Library of Congress. by Gifford, Virginia Snodgrass.
Call Number: Music Ref ML128 .O2 G5 1983
The index of oboe music including the index of baroque trio sonatas. by Wilkins, Wayne.
Call Number: Music Ref ML128 .O2 W5, suppl. Music Ref ML128.O2 W52 1976-78
Oboen-Bibliographie. by Hošek, Miroslav.
Call Number: Music Ref ML128 .O2 H7 v.1-2
Methods and studies
A complete method for the oboe : comprising all the new fingerings, new tables of shakes, scales, exercises, &c. by Barret, Apollon Marie-Rose, 1803-1879.
Call Number: MT362 .B27 C8 1900
Practical and progressive oboe method : reed making, melodious and technical studies. by Andraud, Albert J., 1884-1975.
Call Number: MT362 .A53 1948
Dix-huit études pour hautbois. by Bozza, Eugène, 1905-1991.
Call Number: MT365 .B7 1950
Pares scales for oboe : for individual study and like-instrument class instruction. by Parès, G. (Gabriel), 1860-1934.
Call Number: MT365 .P37 1948
Hautbois : méthodes, traités, dictionnaires et encyclopédies, ouvrages généraux. by Giboureau, Michel.