Resources in this section will help you locate and search specific archives and their collections.
An important difference between searching libraries and archives is that while library catalogs let you locate all the library's individual items (such as books), archival finding aids provide descriptions of collections (such as five boxes of letters). These finding aids do not necessarily describe every individual item within the archive.
Many archival finding aids can be searched online, but most archival collections have not been digitized. If you locate an item using a finding aid, you can visit the archive and request to see and copy the item in person. Or, you can usually ask the local archivists to digitize and share a copy of that item for a fee. Check the archive's website for details.
In addition, archival collections usually contain materials that have not been described using finding aids, or that may be connected to material you have found. Talk to local archivists to get a fuller sense of what an archive contains.
These are digital archives dealing specifically with disasters.