ASM Handbooks Online features the complete content of thirty ASM Handbook volumes, several ASM Handbook supplements, and two ASM Desk Editions (ASM International).
Alternate Name(s): ENGnetBASE, CRCnetBASE, Routledge
Taylor & Francis Ebooks is a multidisciplinary collection of ebooks. Ebook collections such as ENGnetBASE and CRCnetBASE are subsets of this collection.
A list of Springer ebooks currently available through Fondren Library.
The Web of Science is a database on the Web of Knowledge platform that integrates three citation indexes: Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI). SCI and SSCI have searchable author abstracts and each database may be searched by a variety of other accesses including who the author cites. WOS permits searching one or more of the three databases. SCI on WOS coverage is from 1900 to date. SSCI indexes material from 1956 to date. AHCI indexes materials from 1975 to date. Includes ISIHighlyCited: a directory of over 250 eminent researchers in life sciences, medicine, physical sciences and social sciences.