Alizay Azeem.
This library research guide aims to bring attention to a specific, often underrepresented concept within the broader discipline of Women, Gender & Sexuality studies– the phenomenon of 'imperial feminism'. The LibGuide features a number of select bibliographies, organized by geographic concentration and time period, containing key works on the issue of imperial feminism. There are also a couple of additional resources such as a key-term search list, a link to a Wikipedia page published for this project, and helpful videos. While the imperial feminism LibGuide aims to cover various world regions, this guide is by no means an exhaustive list; rather, it aims to highlight some introductory resources into this topic of study. You can look at the Women, Gender & Sexuality LibGuide to find databases and other resources to further your individual research.
Contents of the Guide:
What is Imperial Feminism?
Imperial feminism, also known as imperialist feminism or colonial feminism, refers to a generally Western claim that women from non-Western cultures and countries need to be liberated. This rhetoric appropriates the concept of women's rights in order to justify Western states' empire-building and imperial ventures. It has been utilized to justify colonizing missions and more recently, military intervention in foreign countries. Go to the "Overview of Imperial Feminism" tab to access a Wikipedia page published in conjunction with this library guide.