Language dictionaries can be found in the Reference section under the following call number ranges. Some older dictionaries may also be available in the Stacks for check-out.
* Danish: PD3000-3929
* Dutch: PF1-979
* German: PF3001-5999
* Norwegian: PD2501-2999
* Swedish: PD5001-5929
A compendium of two dozen most significant German-language dictionaries, including the Grimm dictionary, Adelung's dictionary of the High-German Dialect, the Middle High German dictionary by Benecke, Müller, Zarncke (BMZ) and many others.
Das Deutsche Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm
Searchable version of this major dictionary ( the German equivalent of the OED). This free site includes only the original 16 volume work [1854-1960], not the Neubearbeitung [1965-].
Adelung Wörterbuch
All four volumes of this 1811 dictionary are available full-text.
Collins English German/ German English Dictionary
BEOLINGUS (German-English Dictionary)
"more than 700,000 translations".
LEO German-English Dictionary
Claims to contain over 300,000 terms.
BabLa German-English, English-German dictionaries
Frühneuhochdeutsches Glossar
|A dictionary of early modern high German available on the Internet Archive.
English-German idiomatics.
PONS - Das Onlinewörterbuch German to/from other European languages (including English). Also access to a PONS Bildwörterbuch - image-based dictionary.
German-English dictionary
Deutsch-Englisches Kompendium -- a dictionary of library terminology
Dialectal Dictionaries
Rheinisches Wörterbuch. Nachtragsband.