Provides full-text access to CRC handbooks, dictionaries, and encylopedias.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library and IEL
Provies full-text online access to publications of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers) and the IET (Institution of Engineering & Technology). Content includes journal articles, conference proceedings, standards, and books.
Provides full-text access to many engineering related handbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias.
Provides full-text access to all Springer engineering books published in 2010
Referex Engineering is a specialized electronic reference product that draws
upon hundreds of engineering book titles.
Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science
The basic component of the library is a 50- to 100-page "Lecture";
a self-contained electronic book that synthesizes an important research or
development topic, authored by an expert contributor to the field. The library
and its lectures are organized by series. The Synthesis platform provides the
user with access to content in PDF with live links to references and
sophisticated search and personalization functions. (2005-)