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The Eigenfactor score is a rating of the total importance of a journal, newspapers, popular journals, etc. Journals are rated according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly-ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly-ranked journals
Eigenfactor includes a feature to factor in journal cost, and generate cost effectiveness measures for titles.
Go to (available free on the web).
To search for a specific journal, enter the journal title and select a year
Your results will return as a ranked list of matching titles. Note that the results are ranked by the article-level influence; you may sort by the eigenfactor score itself by click on "Eigenfactor Score"
To see the details regarding a specific journal, click on the title of the journal, e.g. NATURE
Note that you will see both the ISI (journal impact factor) category and the Eigenfactor subject category, the price per Eigenfactor, and a chart tracking the Eigenfactor and Article Influence scores for the journal.
To start a new search, click on the Eigenfactor search (in the upper left)
Then use the drop down boxes to select subject category and year
Your results will generate a ranked list of journals - ranked by article influence score
To more fully examine the cost effectiveness of a subject group of journals, do a Cost Effectiveness Search. To do this, hover your mouse over the Eigenfactor search (in the upper left)
and then scroll down to Cost Effectiveness and then select either an Eigenfactor subject or a JCR Subject Category. Press Search
Your results will include a ranked list of titles in that subject. The rank will be by "Price per Eigenfactor" ... as the table says, lower is better.