FirstSearch includes more than databases and provides access to over 9,000 journals that contain full-text articles. The more than 3,800 full-image journals available through OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online are integrated into FirstSearch through links to citations in many FirstSearch databases. These electronic journals are available to you.
Fondren Library provides access to their interlibrary loan services from FirstSearch for materials, not in their collections.
What's New on FirstSearch?
WorldCat Database Enhancements
Users of WorldCat on FirstSearch may now limit searches by the number of library holdings attached to records in the database to retrieve only the items held most widely by libraries. The document types Internet Resources and Articles are now present in the onscreen list of document types to which searches can be limited in the Advanced and Expert search screens. In addition, an ISBN index is now available in the Advanced search screen to simplify searching for known books.
Exporting Records to EndNote
Using ISI ResearchSofts Direct Export feature, FirstSearch users may now export one or more bibliographic records directly from OCLC FirstSearch into EndNote software. This will facilitate the creation of a bibliography of material accessed in FirstSearch databases during the review of search results.
To initiate this feature, search FirstSearch, select records and click on an icon in the FirstSearch interface labeled Export. This will extract the relevant data from the FirstSearch records and export it into the EndNote software package. The function will work with detailed records, marked records, and lists of records from a single database. This feature is available on all FirstSearch authorizations; however, users who click on the Export button but do not have EndNote software loaded on their workstations will be prompted to save the outputted text file to the location of their choice.
OCLC will continue to enhance the service in response to suggestions from FirstSearch users. Select "Comments on the left side of FirstSearch screens to send us your comments or suggestions.