Current information will be found in journals and periodicals. Most industries have at least one trade publication that tracks the industry and its players. Often these publications will report major events before the traditional business press. Many trade publications have special issues that report excellent industry information every year at the same time. These are several electronic services that will help you find articles on your industry. Most of the services have articles in full-text.
ABI/Inform (ProQuest) – includes general business publications plus academic journals; business journals from around U.S.; trade journals, wire services; includes major newspapers plus Wall Street Journal.
Bloomberg – service provides financial data on public companies, economic data and company information. (Rice Business Finance Center Only)
Business Insights: Essentials - use this database to research and analyze companies and industries around the world. It has content needed to explore a global business landscape: extensive reference content from Gale’s core business collection, easy-to-use company fundamentals and investment research reports, industry rankings, profiles, market share data, company histories and more. Provides journal/news coverage of both industries and companies.
Business Source Complete - allows you to search for journal articles, pictures, brief company information and includes a dictionary. Can provide MarketLine company reports.
Factiva – database covers national and global business journals/news. Can be used to track industry developments, current news, global markets and company information.
Nexis Uni - indexes newspapers, trade publications and other business resources and goes back full text into the 1970's. Database provides company and legal information.
MarketLine - gives a company overview including history, major products, revenue analyses, locations, SWOT reports and top competitors Most Industry reports are done by country (i.e.: Toys United States) but some are regional and global reports on an industry. Provides journal/news coverage of both industries and companies.