This collection "provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more (ProQuest)."
Taylor & Francis Ebooks is a multidisciplinary collection of ebooks. Ebook collections such as ENGnetBASE and CRCnetBASE are subsets of this collection.
Indexes journal articles, book chapters, bills, laws, court decisions, reports, books, audiovisuals, and new articles related to bioethics and professional ethics. For ethics related to human genetics see GenETHX.
This collection contains bibliographic citations for resources that cover ethical issues related to human genetics including research, biobanks, etc. These citations cover the literature on the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetic and genomic research and its applications from many disciplines and publication types including journals, newspapers, books, bills, laws, court decisions, reports, and audiovisuals.
Citations for doctoral dissertations from 1861 to the present. Some master's theses are also available. The full texts of dissertations and theses added since 1997 (since 1918 for Rice theses) may be downloaded.
Indexes over 15,000 journals, as well as several million web pages and U.S. and international patents. Database includes article citations from 1996, and permits citation tracking, and (both) saving searches and email or RSS alerts of new material. The system will export records into major citation managers and prepare a bibliography according to major formats. (1966- )
Citation indexes for journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other publications across multiple disciplines.
Print Indexes
Applied Science and Technology Index
Call Number: T1.A2 I5 - Reference Collection Indexes articles from the more popular periodicals in science and technology. (1958 - )
Bibliography of Bioethics
Call Number: R724.A1 A2 W34 - Reference Collection
Lists English language books, essays in books, journal and newspaper articles, court decisions, bills and laws, and audiovisual materials concerned with ethical, legal, and public policy aspects of health related topics. (1975 - )