JOVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments, is the world's first peer reviewed scientific video journal. Rice University has access to the following sections: Behavior, Biology, Bioengineering, Chemistry, Developmental Biology, Engineering, Immunology and Infection, Essentials of Bioengineering, Essentials of Chemical Engineering, Neuroscience, Science Education 1-18, which consists of the following: Basic Biology (General Laboratory Techniques, Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Essentials of Biology 1-yeast, Dropophila and C. elegans, and Essentials of Biology 2 – mouse, zebrafish, and chick), Advanced Biology (Essentials of Neuroscience, Essentials of Developmental Biology, Essentials of Genetics, and Essentials of Cell Biology), Psychology (Essentials of Behavioral Science, Essentials of Experimental Psychology, Essentials of Cognitive Psychology, and Essentials of Developmental Psychology), Environmental Sciences (Essentials of Environmental Science, Essentials of Environmental Microbiology, and Essentials of Earth Science), Chemistry (Essentials of General Chemistry, Essentials of Organic Chemistry, and Essentials of Analytical Chemistry), Biochemistry, Cancer Research, and Genetics, Essentials of Physics 1 and Essentials of Physics 2, Essentials of Biochemistry, and Environment.