The United States government collects data on most aspects of our life. The Kelley Center provides links to government websites making finding the data easier.
DOE Green Energy – Fee online portal to green energy R&D.
DOE Information Bridge – Electronic collection of DOE sponsored full-text reports and accompanying bibliographic records processed by the Department of Energy since 1966.
E-Print Network – Search tool for e-print in many energy, scientific and technical areas.
Energy Information Administration – Provides official energy reports and data from the U.S. Government.
Energy Research and News (USGS) – Contains assessments, reports, maps and links to energy resources.
ETDEWEB – Energy research and development.
FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) – Regulates and oversees energy industries ion the economic, environmental, and safety interest of the American public.
International Trade Administration, Energy Team – Provides critical economic and policy analysis and information to promote U.S. business competitiveness, ensures industry and other stakeholder input into trade.
Minerals Yearbook – Over 60 years of this annual publication “that reviews the mineral and material industries of the United States and foreign countries.”
Monthly Energy Review – “Includes total energy production, consumption and trade; energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, and renewable energy.”
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – Provides information about sustainable practices, the environment, safety, health and quality management. – (office of Scientific and Technical Information) – Disseminates scientific and technical documents, conference papers, articles, multimedia, and software related to funded activities at the U.S. Department of Energy. – Services as a gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by 12 U. S. Government agencies. – A prototype for a global science gateway connection you to national and international scientific databases. Open access.