Comprehensive website from the Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. that provides help for for finding and using a wide variety of legislative and regulatory information. Includes research and practical guides.
Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. guide written to provide the publication history of the Congressional Record and its predecessors including when certain sections were published. Explains what is included in each section (The Daily Digest, Appendices, etc.).
Provided by the Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. In addition to being a finding aid, the document Indicates where to find the text of provisions in the law, who receives the reports, general reporting provisions applicable to most agencies, and sun-setted report provisions that remain in the U.S. Code.
On February 26, 2021, the House Committee on Appropriations announced initial protocols governing requests for Community Project Funding, which include various requirements and restrictions. Individual subcommittees of the House Committee on Appropriations have also released subsequent
guidance and restrictions governing Community Project Funding as it relates to specific appropriations bills. As noted by the committee, Community Project Funding requests are also subject to the House rules and restrictions
governing earmarks. This report summarizes House rules and recent committee protocols related to earmarks, including requirements for Members submitting earmarks, as well as the requirements of committees in disclosing earmarks.
Maintained by's Center for Responsive Politics. Search by name for a company, lobbying firm or individual lobbyist; search for the total spending by a particular industry; search for the total spending by lobbyists on a specific issue; or view the amount spent to lobby a particular government agency.
University of Texas at Austin project which traces national policy changes and agendas since WWII. Datasets are available ranging from Congressional hearings to Supreme Court cases.
Site created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum with information about deceased politicians and where they are buried. Good as a starting tool - use other sources to verify the information included here. Find politicians by name; dates; geographic locations; special recognition; demography, ethnicity, or religion; occupation or industry; organizational affiliation.; cause or circumstances of death, and disposition of remains.
Provided by THOMAS (Library of Congress). Keyword or nomination number search for Presidential nominations for a wide variety of civilian, judicial and military positions that require Senate approval. Search also by type of position, state, legislative action, Senate committee, and/or nomination date. Currently covers the 100th (1987-1988) to the 110th (2007-2008) Congress, but check for updates.