This page directs you to three main types of sources: 1) indexes searched through C19: the Nineteenth Century Index including Nineteenth Century Microfiche, 2) full-texts collections of periodicals, and 3) digital collections of cultural texts and artifacts.
In addition to the sources below, review the tabs, “Historical Periodicals” and “Digital Primary Texts: British and Colonial Literature” in this English Research Guide. See also the guide, “History of Great Britain and the British Empire” at
Containing over 20,000 documents, the Nineteenth Century Microfiche General Collection (NCM) is a valuable resource for Victorian culture and society. Microfiche are transparent cards with miniature photos of documents; one issue of a magazine, for example, might fit on a single card. They must be read with a microform machine. Remember these tips:
C19 contains several indexes of great value for Victorian research. To get full descriptions of each index, go to Information Resources>About C19 Index using the database task bar. For cultural research on the Victorian period, two particularly useful indexes are British Periodicals and the Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900. These indexes search serials (magazines, newspapers, journals). Remember these tips:
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