This LibGuide is created and maintained by Kelley Center for Government Information. We have selected links to guide you start to search and access current and historical resources about elections and voting for research, teaching, and civic engagement
Part of the Dirksen Congressional Center, this site provides resources and information about the Federal Government for students from grades four through high school, as well as parents and teachers.
Find top-quality reference narratives and documents on elections, parties, voter behavior, and campaigns. Extract election results by meaningful characteristics: candidate, office, locality, and race type over time. Access U.S. election results across states.
Information on how overseas soldiers and expatriate voters can request and get ballots by fax and e-mail as well as by the U.S. postal service. Also includes links for local election officials about postal regulations and envelope design for overseas ballots. site providing an information about he Presidential election process, Presidential primaries and caucuses, Constitutional requirements for Presidential candidates, national conventions, and the electoral college.
In addition to lists of Presidents, First Ladies, and Vice Presidents, contains information about presidential succession, greetings, requirements to hold office, etc.
This Rice University Baker Institute program will hold a major conference during each presidential election year and an intervening year to serve as "national forums for the study of modern presidential electoral politics and campaigns."
Merged with Congresspedia, the “citizen's encyclopedia on Congress that you can edit.” Much of the previous content of Congresspedia will remain on Sourcewatch from OpenCongress including Wiki the Vote.
Enter a Congressional or Presidential candidate's name or zip code to get information including his/her biography, voting record, positions, ratings, speeches, and funding.
Comprehensive resource for federal campaign contributions, lobbying data and analysis from the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit, non-partisan Washing D.C. based campaign finance research group.
Annenberg Public Policy Center site that monitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases.
PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics with its "truth-o-meter.
Site created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum with information about deceased politicians and where they are buried. Good as a starting tool - use other sources to verify the information included here. Find politicians by name; dates; geographic locations; special recognition; demography, ethnicity, or religion; occupation or industry; organizational affiliation.; cause or circumstances of death, and disposition of remains.