This guide gives an overview on how to find and research music in Fondren Library. Below is a list of more specific music research guides.
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The Brown Fine Arts Library is located on the third floor of Fondren Library. Music scores, books, and both current issues and bound volumes of music periodicals, are kept here, along with the music librarian's office. Sound and video recordings, and course reserve materials, are held behind the main circulation desk on the first floor.
If you want to browse our collection for a certain type of music (e.g. flute solos), the call number arrangement makes it easy to do so. Click on the links below for the full outline of music call numbers.
M – Music Score | Organized by size of ensemble: M100s = solos; M200s = duets, etc. M1000s are orchestral works; M1500s are operas/musicals; M2000s are choral works. |
Within these large categories, scores are organized by instrumentation, then by composer. If you want to browse all string quartets, search 'string quartets' by keyword and narrow by score to get a more specific call number than M400. |
ML – Books, information about music | ML410 is the call number for composer biographies, arranged alphabetically by name. |
MT – Music Education | Books on learning about any aspect of music, including how to play various instruments. |
Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. 9th ed. New York: Schirmer Books, 2001. 6 vols. MUSIC REF ML105 .B16 2001.
Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians. 9th ed. 2001. [eresource]
Baker's biographical dictionary of popular musicians, 2004. [eresource]
The new Grove dictionary of women composers. Julie Anne Sadie and Rhian Samuel, eds. London: Macmillian, 1994. ML105 .N48 1994
Contemporary composers. Chicago: St. James, 1992. brian Morton and Pamela Collins, eds. MUSIC REF ML390 .C66 1992
The Harvard dictionary of music. Don Michael Randel, ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2003. MUSIC REF ML100 .A64 2003
The standard English language, non-biographical music dictionary. Provides accurate, pertinent information on all music topics. Includes selective bibliographies.
The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians. Stanley Sadie, ed. London: Macmillan, 2001. 29 vols.
MUSIC REF ML100 .N48 2001
The standard English language comprehensive music encyclopedia. Entries on music history, composers, theory and practice, musical instruments, and terms. Online version is updated continuously.
Specialized Works
The new Grove dictionary of American music. Stanley Sadie and H. Wiley Hitchcock, eds. London: Macmillan, 1986. 4 vols. MUSIC REF ML101 .U6 N48 1986
The new Grove dictionary of musical instruments. Stanley Sadie, ed. London: Macmillan, 1984. 3 vols. MUSIC REF ML102 .I5 N48 1984
The new Grove dictionary of opera. Stanley Sadie, ed. London: Macmillan, 1992. 4 vols. MUSIC REF ML102 .O6 N5 1992
The online version is updated continuously. The search function searches the main New Grove Dictionary at the same time.
The encyclopedia of popular music. Colin Larkin, ed. 4th ed. New York: Muze UK; Oxford University Press, 2006. 10 vols.
MUSIC REF ML102 .P66 G84 1998
The Garland encyclopedia of world music. Bruno Nettl and Ruth M. Stone, eds. New York: Garland. 10vols. MUSIC REF ML102 .P66 G84.
Davis, John S. Historical dictionary of jazz. Scarecrow Press, 2012. MUSIC REF ML102 .J3 D38 2012.
The biographical encyclopedia of jazz. Leonard Feather. Oxford Univ. Pr., 1999. MUSIC REF ML102 .J3 F4 1999.