Guides -- Databases/Indexes -- Sessional Papers -- Parliamentary Debates -- Journals -- Statutes
British Parliamentary Papers provide important information about the work of Parliament. They include Bills, Debates, Acts of Parliament, and Reports. The Papers do not include publications, which are produced by government agencies for use outside Parliament. British government publications are not received on deposit, as are the U.S. and (some) Texas state publications.
Ford, Percy. A Guide to Parliamentary Papers. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1972. |
STACKS, Z2019 .C63 1988 | Cockton, Peter. Subject catalogue of the House of Commons Parliamentary papers, 1801-1900. Chadwyck-Healey, 1988. |
Olle, James G.H. An Introduction to British Government Publications. London: Association of Assistant Librarians, 1973. |
Rodgers, Frank. A Guide to British Government Publications. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1980.In depth guide to Parliamentary Papers including publications from British ministries. |
Official Indexes to the Sessional Papers in ten to fifty-year accumulations have been published for both Houses of Parliament. Usually, the title of the paper, the citation to the volume and the page of the Sessional Paper are listed. An explanation of the citation form is found at the beginning of each index, and is important as the arrangement and meaning of the numbers have changed through the years. (Sessional paper numbers are always those in parentheses.)
J301 .K62 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Hansard's Catalogue and Breviate of Parliamentary Papers 1696-1834. Oxford: Blackwell, 1953. |
J301 .A2 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Catalogue of papers printed by order of the House of Commons, from the year 1731 to 1800. In Custody of the clerk of the journals. London: HMSO, 1953. |
Z2019 .C631988 |
Cockton, Peter. Subject catalogue of the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1801-1900. Cambridge: Chadwyck-Healey, 1988. |
J301 .H66 |
Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers. Index. Shannon: Irish University Press. Vol. I Hansard's Catalogue and Breviate of Parliamentary Reports, 1699-1834.
J301 .H663 |
Irish University Press. Checklist of British Parliamentary Papers in the Irish University Press 1000 Volume Series, 1801-1899. Shannon, Ireland: 1972. |
J301 .M3 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Library. General Index to the Bills, Reports, and Papers Printed by the Order of the House of Commons and to the Reports and 1960 Papers Presented by Command, 1900-1948/49. London: HMSO, 1960. |
Z2009 .D5 |
Di Roma, Edward. A Numerical Finding List of British command papers Published 1833-1961/62. New York: NY Public Library, 1967. |
Sessional Papers
Sessional papers include accounts, papers, bills, reports, and papers presented by command of the Sovereign. Compilations of papers are listed below. Some individual papers are in the collection, as well—please check with LIBRIS or a Reference Librarian. Sessional papers for the 18th century are available at the University of Houston. (Note: sessional papers are also sometimes known as Parliamentary Papers.) Bills before Parliament are available on the Internet:
J301 .K539 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Parliamentary Papers,1801-1900. London: Chadwyck-Healey, 1980-82. |
J301 .K54 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Parliamentary Papers,1901-1921. London: Chadwyck-Healey, 1983-85. |
J301 .K542 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Parliamentary Papers,1922-1944/45. London: Chadwyck-Healey, 1989-90. |
J301 .H66 |
Irish University Press. 1000 Volume Series, 1801-1899. Shannon, Ireland: 1968-1972. |
J301 .K562 1973 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Reports from the House of Commons, 1715-1801, printed but not inserted in the Journals of the House. 1803-1806. Chadwyck-Healey, 1973. |
J301 .K562 1973 |
General Index to the Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, 1715-1801. |
Parliamentary Debates
No official record of the debates began until 1909. From 1628-1738, resolutions were passed in the House prohibiting publication of the debates. However, they were sometimes unofficially published during the 17th-18th centuries. From 1768 on, newspapers systematically reported the debates (see London Times-1785 to date-AN 2.T 5). The Debates are not verbatim-they include motions or actions that do not actually take place on the floor of the Parliament.
House of Commons
J301 .H61 |
Great Britain Parliament. The Parliamentary Debates. (Authorized edition). Ser. 1 vol. 1-41, Nov. 1803/March 1804-Nov. 1819/Feb. 1820; Ser. 2 vol. 1-25, Apr/June 1820-June/Aug 1891; Ser. 4 vol. 1-199, Feb/Mar 1892-Dec 1908. London: Wyman. |
J301 .H61 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. The parliamentary Debates. (Hansard) Official Report. Vol. 1-Ser. 5 Feb/Mar 1909-; Ser. 6 1981- London: HMSO. |
DA430 .G59 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Debates of the House of Commons from the Year 1667 to the Year 1694. 10 vols. London: printed…at St. John's Gate…in St. John's Square, 1763. |
The Parliamentary Debates of the House of Commons from 1988 -- present are available on the Internet through the United Kingdom Parliament website: |
House of Lords
J301 .H61 |
Great Britain Parliament. The Parliamentary Debates. (Authorized edition). Ser. 1 vol. 1-41, Nov. 1803/March 1804-Nov. 1819/Feb. 1820; Ser. 2 vol. 1-25, Apr/June 1820-June/Aug 1891; Ser. 4 vol. 1-199, Feb/Mar 1892-Dec 1908. London: Wyman. |
J301 .H61 s.5L |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. The Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Official Report. Vol. 1- Feb/May 1909- London: HMSO. |
The Parliamentary Debates of the House of Lords from November 1995 to present are available on the Internet through the United Kingdom Parliament website: |
House of Commons
The Journal is the official record of the proceedings-it is a report of what is done, not what is said. Each volume usually covers one session and has its own index.
J301 .C6 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Journal. vol. 1-50, (1547-1794). London: HMSO. |
J301 .C6 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Journals. vol. 50-155, (1794-1900). Readex Microprint, 1966. |
J301 .C6 |
Index. (1547-1900). |
House of Lords
J301 .L6 |
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Journals. vol. 1-33, (1509-1773). London: HMSO. |
Compilations of statutes are listed below.
KD130 1225 |
Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc. The Statutes of the Realm [1225-1713]. London: Record Commission, 1824. |
KD129 .G75 |
Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc. Public general acts 1801-1922. Brighton, Eng.: Harvester Press Microform Publications, 1985. |
KD166 .A5 |
Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc. Statutory Instruments. London: H.M. Stationary Office, 1890-Fondren Library Holdings: 1964 - 2000. |
Full text Public Acts are available on the Internet 1988—present: |