P Philology. Linguistics
PA Classical languages (Latin and Greek)
PB Modern languages. Celtic languages
PC Romance languages
PD Germanic and Scandinavian languages
PE English language
PF West Germanic languages
PG Slavic languages
PH Finno-Ugric
PJ Arabic, Hebrew, Semitic, East Asian
PK Indo-Iranian languages
PL Turkic, and Asian languages
PM Native American languages
P1-85 General
P87-96 Communication. Mass media
P94.7 Interpersonal communication
P95-95.6 Oral communication. Speech
P98-98.5 Computational linguistics;
Natural language processing
P99-99.4 Semiotics
P99.5-99.6 Nonverbal communication
P101-410 Language. Linguistic theory;
Comparative grammar
P118-118.7 Language acquisition
P121-149 Science of language
P201-299 Comparative grammar
P215-240 Phonetics and Phonology
P241-290 Morphology
P291-298 Syntax
P299 Other
P301-301.5 Style. Composition. Rhetoric
P302-302.87 Discourse analysis
P304-305 Vocabulary
P306-310 Translating and interpreting
P321-324.5 Etymology
P325-325.5 Semantics
P326-326.5 Lexicology
P327-327.5 Lexicography
P331-365.5 Comparative lexicography
P367 Dialectology
P368 Standard language
P375-381 Linguistic geography
P501-675 Indo-European philology
P901-1091 Extinct ancient and medieval languages