Racial injustice has been amplified during COVID-19.
These injustices surface at work, including remote work, and in daily life.
Understanding the historical contours of the present moment is important.
The call to social justice is central to many faith and philosophical traditions. Below are examples of how people inspired by these traditions are responding to racial injustices.
Building skills to have an empathic, civil dialogue on justice issues in public, at school and work is critical to fostering racial justice.
Pause & Listen
Dialogue to Understand
Manage Conflict, Build Understanding
Since 2016, bullying, intolerance and violence have increased on American college campuses, and toward racial, religious and sexual minorities in middle and high schools*. Below are curated resources guides for students, parents and educators which may help dampen these trends.
* https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15210960.2017.1335039