FDLP Basic Collection: Core U.S. Government Resources
Digital full text.
US Federal government documents received through FDLP in tangible formats - paper, microfiche, microcards - are mainly located in Fondren Library's basement, which is public area. They are accessible at any time when Fondren Library building is open. Patrons are welcome to use them; no staff permission is needed. They are mainly shelved by SuDocs number (e.g. A 93.10/2:160 which is Agriculture Outlook No.160). Floor maps, public signs, and paper instructions are near collections and equipment to guide you.
Most FDLP maps are shelved in drawers in the Map Room located near Kelley Center's information desk in the library basement. Please consult the library catalog for the call number and the location information of a specific document.
You may visit Kelley Center Information Desk and request staff assistance during the normal business hours. (Before your trip, make sure you read the information for Kelley Center visitors. We do our best to keep our website information up to date. But the best option is to schedule an appointment with the FDLP Representative Anna Xiong, jax2@rice.edu, 713.348.6212 for assistance.
Most of FDLP publications are cataloged and can be searched using Fondren Library online catalog OneSearch.
Contact Government Information Coordinator&FDLP Rep Anna Xiong, jax2@rice.edu, if you need assistance.
How up-to-date is the Federal government publications in Fondren Library OneSearch? Fondren Library has been participating in the U.S. Government Publishing Office' Cataloging Record Distribution Program (CRDP) since 2023. It allows Fondren Library regularly receive new free cataloging records that provide links to the online full text of all the official new digital born Federal government publications distributed through FDLP, which totals about 400-600 titles each month.
Can you search both current and historical Federal government publications using Fondren Library OneSearch? Yes! OneSearch has included almost all the new and historical Federal government publications received through FDLP, at Fondren, regardless of formats. OneSearch also performs federated search of Fondren Library subscribed databases, which can include Federal government publications too.
Can I search FDLP publications in any format - digital, paper, microform - in Fondren Library OneSearch? Yes. Be aware of that since the 1990s, an increasing number of FDLP materials have been published in digital format, which means you will find less government publications in tangible formats.
January 21, 2009 President Obama announced his Open Government Initiative. GPO and Federal depository libraries have been moving toward a digital Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).
End of 2023, the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has stopped publishing FDLP materials in microfiche format. GPO works further to deliver permanent no-fee public access to digital content for people seeking U.S. Government information.
In 2024, GPO divided Federal depository libraries across the United States into four National Collection Service Areas (NCSAs) and established a new model to distribute the FDLP publications in paper to meet the different print government publication needs of NCSA areas. To get learn more, please visit New Limited Printed Distribution page. This new, limited print distribution model acknowledges the different print needs and requirements of the National Collection Service Areas (NCSAs). Cost savings on printing, postage, and processing will allow GPO’s Library Services & Content Management (LSCM) and FDLs to increase investment in digital content management initiatives, education, outreach, and promotion to serve patrons’ Government information needs.
To meet different research needs, this resource guide has grouped research tools and resources in different ways. Use the drop down menu of the Federal GovDocs tab on this LibGuide: Government Information: FDLP and More to see the options.
If you are interested in finding government publications on a special subject or topic, make sure you click the tab GovDocs Guides by Special Topics on the topc menu: