For further assistance with government-related information research, please
Check also:
The majority of the resources listed here are from the Data Resue Project. Click here you can access a comprehensive list of government data maintainers put together by the Data Rescue Project. You can also follow them on BlueSky at
The earliest vintage available is 1927-01-26 for series Industrial Production Index.
For further assistance with government-related research, please
Fondren Databases:
Free resources:
Also consult some other related resources listed in the box "For Researchers: Alternative Access to Government Data / Websites" on this page.
Subscription databases:
For paper documents get help at the Government Information Desk in the basement of Fondren and/or check:
If there is no access to the online version, you can use the subscription ERIC databases as an index to find an ED number and check in the Kelley Center to see if we own that report on microfiche.