Westfall, Gloria. Guide to Official Publications of Foreign Countries / American Library Association, Government Documents Round Table. Bethesda, Md: CIS, 1997. Print. Fondren Library Government Publications - Reference ; J9.5 .G83 1997
Link Directory: Union of International Associations
The United Nations was established on 24 October, 1945. Fondren Library holds thousands of historical collections of UN publications. Some are in paper and some in microform format, which can be searched using OneSearch, the Library's online catalog available through the Library's website. For access to more recent UN publications in full-text format, please use the links provided below. If you need any assistance with finding and accessing the UN data, series, and other publications, please contact Anna Xiong, Government Information Coordinator, jax2@rice.edu.
Texts of Treaties
Treaty Databases, Indexes, and Finding Aids
Native American Treaties
Current Treaty Actions and Congressional Treaty Actions
Tax Treaty Publications
Fondren Library Licensced Database
Eurostat. Publications and statistics from the EU, with data in economics, population, agriculture, trade, transportation, the environment and more.
FAOSTAT. Data on agriculture, food supply, food security, prices, commodities, forest products, and fisheries from the FAO.
Global Health Observatory. Health and health-related epidemiological and statistical information available from the World Health Organization.
ILOSTAT. International labor statistics from 1979 to the present on employment, earnings, wages, migration, strikes and more, from the International Labour Organization.
IMF eLibrary. Data on exchange and interest rates, balance of payments, government finance, national accounts, trade, foreign reserves & more.
OECD iLibrary. Data on economics, finance, trade, telecommunications, development, aid, migration, and other categories.
Statistics Mexico. In English and other languages.
UN Data. Economic, social, cultural, & demographic indicators from the United Nations and a selection of UN affiliated or related organizations.
UNCTADStat. Foreign Direct Investment and creative and information economy data from the UN Conference on Trade & Development.
United Nations Development Programme Indicators. Includes the Human Development Index (HDI) and Gender Inequality Index.
UNESCO Institute of Statistics. Global data in the fields of education, science & technology, culture and communication.
UNIDO Data Portal. Data on industries & mining from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
World Bank Data Catalog. Catalog of international economic, financial, and socio-economic data from the World Bank.
Contact govhelp@rice.edu for assistance.