Located in Fondren Library's basement, the Kelley Center holds over 200 major microform collections, comprised of over 3 million items. The expansive collection covers a wide range of topics, from Congressional Hearings and Department of Energy Reports to the personal papers of Jane Addams and W.E.B. DuBois.
Please note: Most microfilm has been moved to the off-site Library Service Center (LSC). The Houston Post, Houston Chronicle and New Orleans Times-Picayune, and selected others remain. For more information about checking out microfilm from the LSC, see the instructions below or the LibAnswer.
Accouncement: Fondren Library provides access to a partially completed electronic collection of historical issues of the Houston Chronicle. Presently, holdings are available ranging from 1901 through 1963 with extensive gaps. Additional content is added frequently. When completed, the coverage will span from 1901-1985. Issues from 1985 through the current year have are available electronically through Newsbank. Use at library computers or with a Rice login. For issues not available electronically, the microfilm version is in the Microform and Maps room in the basement of Fondren Library. See a description on the newspapers page of this guide.
https://library.rice.edu/content/kelley-centers-visitorsWe highly encourage you to contact Kelley Center staff to schedule an appointment for microform assistance via email govhelp@rice.edu, or call (713) 348-6212 or (713) 348-5483. Before your visit, please check the web page with the information for Kelley Center's visitors.
When you are on site,
Anna Xiong. Government Information Coordinator, Kelley Center. jax2@rice.edu. Primary contact for government information, maps, and microform collections.
Hannah Edlund. Government Information/Patent Librarian, Kelley Center. he3@rice.edu
Fondren owns microforms on a myriad of topics. Browse LibGuides for major sets of microforms by topics listed on this page, repeated on the tabs above. The LibGuide entries link to catalog records with short descriptions and information about print and online guides if any exist. Descriptions too long to enter on a catalog record can be found under "more..." on the LibGuide entry.
This guide was prepared with the help of the following library student workers: Jonathan Espino, Betty Huang, Jordan Murley, Erin O'Neill, Thresa Skeslien Jenkins, and Michelle Wang.
LSC request form: https://library.rice.edu/requests/lsc-retrieval-request
Need more assistance with LSC Retrieval? Please contact Circulation Department: (713) 348-4021, circ@rice.edu.