Art resource containing Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, and The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, with access to more than 23,000 subject entries, 21,000 biographies, 500,000 bibliographic citations, 40,000 image links and 5,000 images.
The entire text of The Dictionary of Art, ed. Jane Turner (1996, 34 vols.) and The Oxford Companion to Western Art, ed. Hugh Brigstocke (2001).
Contains approximately 700,000 photographs dating back to 1850; 800 additional images are added each day by photojournalists. Operated by the Associated Press.
Photographs of current events are available to view and print within minutes of an event.
Includes over 90,000 electronic images from several archival repositories at the Smithsonian.
Content includes nearly 2 million images covering art, architecture and archaeology. ARTstor's content has moved to JSTOR, and the ARTstor website was retired on August 1, 2024. More information here:
Centre Pompidou houses more than 100,000 works spanning the 20th and 21st centuries. Works in the collection may be searched by artist name (nom artiste), country of birth (pays de naissance), collection sector (secteur de collection), type of work (type d'oeuvre), title word (mot du titre), year of creation or acquisition (année de création - année d'acquisition) or inventory number (numéro d'inventaire). Searches may be restricted to those currently on display or various criteria mayb e comibned by clicking on the multi-criteria research button (recherche multicriteres). Personal selection files can be created (dossiers de selection), save and send them by e-mail. Please note that reproductions in the online collection are available for personal use only. Professional use is subject to applicable copyright and royalty regulations.
CORSAIR The Online Research Resource of the Pierpont Morgan Library: Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts. The collection spans some ten centuries of Western illumination, and contains manuscripts from all the major schools, including some of the great masterpieces of medieval manuscript art. The images and accompanying descriptions are the product of an extraordinary collaboration between the Library and the Index of Christian Art to photograph, digitize, and describe all significant illustrations within the Library’s medieval and Renaissance manuscripts. CORSAIR currently offers more than twenty thousand medieval images, and the number is constantly growing.
Hosted by the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture collects and creates electronic resources for the study and research of the decorative...see also list of Other Image Collections.
The Fine Arts Collection is one of the nation's oldest and largest public art collections. It consists of mural and easel paintings, sculptures, architectural and environmental artworks, as well as prints and other works on paper dating from the 1850s to the present.
These civic artworks are displayed in federal buildings and courthouses nationwide. In addition, more than 23,000 easel paintings, prints, and small-scale sculptures created during the New Deal are on long-term loan to museums and other non-profit institutions across the United States. Maintained by GSA as a part of America's national and cultural heritage, the Fine Arts Collection also serves as a reminder of the important tradition of individual creative expression.
NGA Images is a repository of digital images of the collections of the National Gallery of Art. On this website you can search, browse, share, and download images. A standards-based reproduction guide and a help section provide advice for both novices and experts. More than 45,000 open access digital images up to 4000 pixels each are available free of charge for download and use.
Netherlands Institute in Turkey: Machiel Kiel Photographic Archive. Created between 1960s - 1990s by Machiel Kiel, historian and a former director of NIT, the archive documents many monuments which have not survived, or have been significantly altered during the late 20th century. As of May 2012, 1,300 photographs have been classified and digitized for Ottoman-Islamic monuments outside of Turkey in southeast Europe. Phase 2 will comprise Christian art produced under Ottoman rule; phase 3 will include monuments in Turkish Trace. Search by country and site.
NYPL Digital Gallery provides access to over 834,706 images digitized from primary sources and printed rarities in the collections of The New York Public Library, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints and photographs, illustrated books, printed ephemera, streaming video.
The Photo Agency of the Reunion des Musees Nationaux provides access to an online catalogue of photographs of over 800,000 works of art in the national and regional museums of France. The image database may be searched by a combination of search criteria. While searching the database is free, ektachromes or digital files must be ordered online. Payment of fees due to the Photographic Library of the RMN for the use of its documents does not include copyright fees due to the artist or the artist's estate. The website provides contact information for ADAGP, French collective rights management society for the visual arts representing 80,000 arists; estates of Matisse, Picasso, etc. Art works which are still under copyright have an "author rights" statement included in the detailed photograph view. The web site also provides links to the participating museums.
200,000 high-resolution images of paintings, prints, drawings, sculpture, decorative arts, etc. can be freely downloaded, shared, added to personal ‘studios’, or manipulated copyright-free. Collection can be browsed by medium, genre, etc., or searched using simple or advanced search screens.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History is funded by the Heilbrunn Foundation, New Tamarind Foundation, and Zodiac Fund. The Timeline of Art History presents the Met’s collection via a chronological, geographical, and thematic exploration of global art history. Targeted at students and scholars of art history, it is an invaluable reference, research, and teaching tool. Authored by the Met’s experts—predominantly made up of curators but also of conservators, scientists, and educators—the Timeline comprises 300 timelines, 930 essays, close to 7,000 objects, and a robust index, and is regularly updated and enriched to provide new scholarship and insights on the collection.
The Center's entire art collection of more than 2,000 paintings, 200 sculptures, and nearly 50,000 prints and drawings from the Elizabethan period to the present may be searched. The Center's collection of works on paper is the most important and comprehensive collection of its kind outside of the United Kingdom. The Center offers free downloads of works that are in the public domain as high resolution TIFs. Option to search all collections simultaneously. Results my be refined by choosing the reference library collection, prints & drawings, paintings & sculpture, rare books & manuscripts.