Searchable backfile of the journal Artforum (later Artforum International) containing reviews, features, and interviews relating to artists, exhibitions, publications, and other art world events.
Archives of periodicals in ancient art, architecture, preservation, contemporary art, and related disciplines.
Content Includes:
● 1,200 issues of The Magazine Antiques (1922–2016)
● 650 issues of Art in America (1913–2015)
● 2,100 issues of ARTnews* (1902–2006)
Research Areas include: ancient art, architecture, art preservation, contemporary American art and contemporary art (EBSCO).
*Formerly known as: Hyde’s Weekly Art News (1902–1904), American Art News (1904–1923), Art News (1923–1941)
German academic journals in multiple disciplines, available in both English and German interfaces. The past 2-5 years (depending on title) are not available.
Online, full text access to scholarly journals from date of inception to a "moving wall" of 2-5 years from present. The archived collection includes journals in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The content is searchable by author, title, fulltext with limits by discipline, year, and article type.
A database of full-text journals in a variety of the humanities and social science disciplines. It covers recent years including current issues and for some journals serves as an update to JSTOR.