International Bibliography of Art (IBA) is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and includes scholarly literature published after 2007 on: European art from late antiquity to the present, American art from the colonial era to the present, and global art since 1945. Visual arts in all media are covered: painting, sculpture, drawing, video, installations, new media, decorative and applied arts, museum studies and conservation, archaeology, folk art and material culture, classical studies, antiques, architectural history.
Over 500 core journals are covered, plus detailed coverage of monographs, essay collections, conference proceedings and exhibition catalogs.
Repertoire d'art et archaeologie
Call Number: Art Ref Z5937 .R4 v.1 (1910)- v.68 (1964); new series v.1 (1965)- v. 25 (1989)
RAA is the most comprehensive international bibliography of art literature from 1910-1989. Classified listing of books, periodical articles, and Festschriften with short descriptive entries. Author and subject indexes appear in each volume. Until 1945 the RAA included aesthetics, folk art, prehistoric, primitive, and pre-Columbian art. In 1965, the new series dropped coverage of Islamic, Far Eastern and ancient art.