You've downloaded dozens of articles on your research topic, only to realize that you did not capture complete bibliographic information and forgot where you put the files. There must be a better way!
There is. Using bibliographic software such as Zotero, you can automatically capture bibliographic information and attached files, organize your research materials into collections and subcollections, search within or across collections, take notes, and automatically create properly formatted bibliographies.
Our favorite research tool is Zotero, a free extension to the Firefox web browser that makes it easy to manage your research materials. With Zotero 2.0, you can also create collaborative bibliographies with researchers and access your research collections from any computer. To learn more about Zotero, you can sign up for a free short-course offered by Fondren's Digital Media Commons (DMC), view Zotero's handy screencast tutorials, read Zotero's online tutorials, or consult a guide prepared by the DMC (pdf file at the bottom of the page).
Zotero Interface: Downloading a Reference into a Collection with One Click
Other bibliographic management tools include: