The following list of books is not exhaustive. Locations of multiple copies are noted with the call number. Consult the separate list of unique titles held by the Woodson Research. To find additional titles in our catalog, use the suggested search strategies:
Search strategy: Advanced Search in the library catalog: Subject contains phrase rice university AND subject contains phrase buildings = 381 results; Refine my results: choose desired Material Type: Images (316); Books (28), Text resources (12) + more formats. The list of 28 titles includes many unique reports held by the Woodson Research Center
Search strategy: Advance Search in the library catalog: Subject contains rice building = 616 results. Use the left column of facets to refine the results. Publication date ranges from 1898 to 2018. There are 574 entries from the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive (Data Source at the bottom of the column). The results may be sorted by date, title, or author. Choosing to review the data source may be easier than searching the Rice Digital Scholarship web site directly.
Other resources:
Cite, published by the Rice Design Alliance since 1982, is indexed by the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. Editorially, the emphasis is on all aspects of the built environment of Houston. In the Avery Index, the title may be searched as a source by: Cite: the architecture and design review of Houston
Issues held at the Circulation Desk may be checked out for a 4 hour loan. An archival set is in Woodson Research Center. NA9127.H7 C5
Architecture at Rice is a series of books published by the Rice School of Architecture. From 1961until 2015 (no. 1 – 49) were classed together in call number NA11 .A7. Beginning with no. 50, each volume of the series will be cataloged separately, given an unique call number. Individual numbers may be searched by title in the catalog. Searching by series title in an Advanced Search will display all volumes. An archival copy of the series is in the Woodson Research Center.
The Architecture of Ralph Adams Cram and His Office / Ethan Anthony. New York: W.W. Norton, 2007.
NA737 .C7 A58 2007 Art Stacks; Woodson Research Center
Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue: Architect and Master of Many Arts / the text by Hartley Burr Alexander ... [and others]; edited by Charles Harris Whitaker. New York: Da Capo Press, 1976.
Reprint of the ed. published by Press of the American Institute of Architects, New York, 1925 (Woodson Research Center)
NA737 .G6 W5 1976 Art Stacks; Woodson Research Center.
Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue / Richard Oliver. New York: Architectural History Foundation; Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1983
NA737.G6 O4 1983 Art Stacks
The General Plan of the William M. Rice Institute and Its Architectural Development / by Stephen Fox. Houston, Tex.; Rice University, School of Architecture, 1980. Series: Architecture at Rice University, no. 29.
NA11 .A7 c.1, c.2 Art Stacks; Woodson Research Center; LSC-SPECL non-circulating. Also available online in the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive:
Guide to the Papers of William Ward Watkin in the Woodson Research Center of the Rice University Library / compiled by Stephen Fox. Houston, Tex.: The Center, 1976.
Z6616.W38 W54 Stacks
James, Stephen. "The Menil Connection: Louis Kahn and the Rice University Art Center." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, v.69, no. 4 (December 2010): 556-577. Stable URL:
This article discusses a proposed art complex for buildings to occupy the space now occupied by Brochstein Pavilion, Herring Hall & the Humanities Building. Ley Student Center (Rice Memorial Center Chapel was retained). Kahn proposed an art & architecture building, art museum, new student center, theater, parking garage. See p.565 for a photograph of a model.
Ralph Adams Cram: Life and Architecture / Douglass Shand-Tucci. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1995 – 2005.
NA737 .C7 S44 1995 v.1-2 Art Stacks; Woodson Research Center
Rice University: an Architectural Tour / by Stephen Fox; photographs by Paul Hester; foreword by Malcolm Gillis. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2001
LD4711 .R33 F69 2001 Art stacks; Art Reference; Woodson Research Center
A Walking Tour of Rice University / James C. Morehead, Jr. Houston, Tex.: Rice University Studies, 1984.
LD4711.R333 M66 1984 Stacks; Woodson Research Center; Rice Digital Scholarship Archive
A Walking Tour of Rice University / James C. Morehead, Jr. Second revised and expanded edition.
LD4711.R333 M66 1990 Reference Desk; Woodson Research Center
William Ward Watkin and the Rice Institute / Patrick J. Nicholson. Houston, Tex. : Gulf Pub. Co., 1991.
NA737.W39 N5 1991 Art Stacks; Woodson Research Center
Please consult with the archivists of the Woodson Research Center for additional resources and expert help in locating information. Some of the titles listed below may be available online from the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive. Please consult the catalog for the link.
See the research guide: Architectural Collections in the Woodson Research Center. Woodson Research Center has a variety of collections relating to Rice University architecture and architects as well as local architecture and architects’ works. Items include blueprints, drawings, photographs, slides, correspondence, and notes.
General Plan of the Rice Institute. Cram Goodhue and Ferguson Architects. Rice University, 1910.
An early colored map drawing of the William M. Rice Institute campus with its projected buildings. The map is titled: "General Plan of Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, Cram Goodhue and Ferguson, Architects, Boston and New York; drawn by W. W. Watkin, April 1910." Original resource is a color map.
Also available in the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive.
Master Plan for Rice University / Cesar Pelli & Associates, Architects. New Haven, Ct.: The Associates, 1994.
LD6053 .C47 1994 Woodson Research Center
Master Planning Study for the Fondren Library, Rice University / Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott, Architects. Boston: Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson, and Abbott, 1999.
LD4711 .R338 S54 1999 Woodson Research Center
Outram's Building at Rice: Icons, Themes & Images / Keith D. Cooper.
Cooper, Keith D. (Keith Daniel), author. Houston, Tex.: Rice University, 11996
LD4711 .R338 C66 1996 Woodson Research Center
William Marsh Rice University: Master Plan for Growth / Cesar Pelli & Associates, Architects.
New Haven, Ct.: The Associates, 1983?
1 volume (loose-leaf): illustrations, maps, plans (some folded); 30 cm
William Ward Watkin Architecture Collection.
Watkin, William Ward, 1886-1952. Rice University.
Correspondence, journal articles and speech transcripts, personal effects, photos, and other papers, relating to William Ward Watkin, architect and professor of architecture at William M. Rice Institute, Houston, Tex. Includes Watkin's activities as a member of the Rice faculty, writings, professional practice as an architect including his work for Cram, Goodhue, and Ferguson and his design of buildings for Rice Institute, and personal life. Coverage from 1903-1959.
William Ward Watkin Papers, 1903-1956,
Woodson Research Center MS. 352
The papers detail the academic and architectural career of William Ward Watkin. Included in the collection are personal information, business correspondence, construction photographs and architectural drawings of the early Rice Institute, and drawings of projects from his private architectural career.
Other title
Title of digital collection: William Ward Watkin architectural records , 1903-1956.
Publication Date: 1903 – 1959