Weekly digest of material published by the Chinese press, presented in English. Selected articles cover politics, international relations, security, economics, business, public health, environment, education, culture and more.
The Current Digest’s mission is to provide the reader with a comprehensive, broad picture of the news published in China, be it domestic, international or related to other states of the Asia Pacific region. The Current Digest of the Chinese Press offers all readers, regardless of Chinese language ability, a much clearer and more robust view of the current Chinese reality and is a great addition to any English-language resource collection.
The Founder Apabi China Digital Library provides the majority of books published since the founding of the People's Republic of China, newspapers from China, yearbooks, reference books, pictures and more.
"The English-language Japan Chronicle Weekly is the newspaper of record for Japan’s engagement with modernity and its emergence, through war, political and social upheaval and seismic social change in East Asia, onto the world stage in the first half of the twentieth century (Brill)."
These archives pertain to "the forced internment, during World War II, of an important segment of the American population-persons of Japanese descent. This collection, consisting of 25 individual titles, documents life in the internment camps (Gale)."
This historical newspaper provides easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time (ProQuest).
"Mideast Mirror" is a digest of news and editorial comment in the Arab, Persian, Turkish and Hebrew media. The service is edited and published in London by a highly-qualified team of professional editors and journalists with a long experience in Middle Eastern affairs and knowledge of the region's workings, resources, problems and concerns.
"Mideast Mirror" has become a widely respected authority on the Middle East. It is read, and used as a reference, by decision-and opinion-makers, in the West, particularly the United States and Japan (Vendor)."
Mideastwire.com is an Internet-based news service that employs a team of translators around the region to gather important stories from and about the Middle East. Covers news from all 22 Arab countries, Iran, and the Arab media Diaspora generally. Thus our reach extends across the North Africa region as well as to the UK and other countries that host Pan-Arab media.
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis®—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790— and is a good source for foreign newspapers. *Previously called Lexis Nexis Academic.
Nexis Uni offers an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
"The English-language North China Herald is the prime printed source in any language for the history of the foreign presence in China from around 1850 to 1940s. During this so-called ‘treaty century’ (1842-1943) the Western Powers established a strong presence in China through their protected enclaves in major cities (Brill)."
People's Daily has been "the official voice of the central government of the People's Republic of China for the last 71 years." It provides "the single location where the central government and the Communist Party of China announce their respective policies and disseminate governmental, political, and economic messages to the public and the world (OriProbe)." Notes: Look for the little “click here" on the English introductory page to enter the actual resource. Also, only two simultaneous users are allowed at one time for this database.
"ProQuest International Newsstand provides information from more than 660 of the world's top newspapers. For nearly all of them, complete articles are available in the ASCII format. The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, Le Monde, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, Asian Wall Street Journal, and the BBC Monitoring series of publications are just a few of the sources in ProQuest International Newsstand."
"Each issue of every newspaper is indexed thoroughly, so researchers have access to not only top news stories but also detailed information on sports, business, and the arts around the world. Citations and abstracts are available for all articles saving researchers time."